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CueEther Receiver Interspace Industries

CueEther-Receiver has been designed to work with the GlobalCue.Live free online software, using the PC app (we are working on MAC) of i2Bridge that works with the Browser Cue-Light application.

Your presenters can control directly their own slides from their remote locations. Each unit has a pair of Dip switches that can be configured( up to 4) for specific users.

The Technician’s control PC will run the online GlobalCue.Live and the i2Bridge. – i2Bridge will communicate with the online server and then send the data over your local network via a broadcast as UDP to the CueEther units plugged in to your computers.

Each CueEther will appear as a regular keyboard to your computer – so does not need an app running – and receives the broadcasts from the i2Bridge and actions the commands to your computers.